Upon checking out, you've agreed you understand the following:
- All payments must me made through this website or via invoice.
- Full payment is required to commence the project.
- All payments are NON-REFUNDABLE. Only in the case that Females That Market decides to discontinue a project due to personal reasons or difficulty will a refund be issued.
- Refunds are never issued, under any circumstances. There are no refunds for any projects.
- Please get in touch with Females That Market immediately if you need to cancel a service for whatever reasons. It should be noted that if you decide to cancel your service, you won't receive a refund; instead you'll have to re-book your service again.
- If a customer proves to be difficult to work with, Females That Market reserves the right to cancel any ongoing projects with that customers and give a refund.
- The start of a project's turnaround time is calculated from the date the needed information is received; not the date payment is sent under the circumstance the information isn't sent the same day as service bookings.
- Weekends and holidays are not included in the turnaround times, only weekdays.
- Clients are responsible to respond to any started project within 14 days of draft being sent. No refunds or credit will be provided under any circumstances!